Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thank you for all the prayers... They're working!!...

TUESDAY (04/09/13)
"Peace begins with a smile." -- Mother Teresa

Marlee working with OT and building strength in her muscles

Rolling Over (Marlee has to retrain her brain to do all normal movements again)

Playing with toys in her OT session (relearning hand and eye coordination/motor skills)

Marlee & Mommy Enjoying some sunshine and getting a break from the hospital room

Mommy & Daddy learning to do Marlee's tube feeds. (Just in case Marlee has to go home with the NG tube and tube feedings).

Marlee and Mommy playing (and laughing!)

Marlee STANDING UP!!  (She stood up for a few seconds before falling over!!  But it was a HUGE milestone in her recovery! She's getting stronger! Keep the prayers coming!)

WEDNESDAY 04/10/13

Taking a ride in a Red wagon and enjoying the sunshine

Tummy time

Marlee drawing with Daddy! (Another BIG milestone!  Keep fighting, Marlee!!)

As you can see, Marlee has 2 pretty eventful days.  The progress in her is absolutely amazing and is a testament to all the prayers for Marlee.  There is already talk about getting her discharged home next week.  Bernard and Christina have been working with the nurses to get more comfortable managing her NG Tube, tube feedings, and administering meds through her NG Tube.  Marlee continues to work with PT and OT to regain strength and increase her motor skills.  Before these last 2 days, Marlee had regained alot of movement, but most were not purposeful.  Now we can see that she is able to move and do things appropriately (like drawing on the IPad!).  

Everyday is a blessing.  And, everyday we are seeing some improvement.  We are excited what the next week will bring.  We thank you for all the continued prayers and support for Marlee!!  

Please continue to spread and share Marlee's story.  There is still a long road of recovery ahead and they can still use all the help and prayers they can get!!  

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